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Our men's shed is rocking

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A school book library made to order for Donburn Primary School. Pictured is Keith who participated and supervised in the build. - October 2022

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new garden shed. Pictured are Rick, Peter and Michael. The shed will be used to store the BBQ, outside chairs etc - October 2022

Street Library built by John Rennie and Keith Coghlan for Donburn Primary School - October 2022

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Dr Monique Ryan with Tony Hart and Euan Nicholl - 16 September 2022

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Street Library built by Mens Shed member David Hattam for Boroondara Pre School - August 2022

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40 table tennis bats that member Mike Sport made at the Shed for the Disabled Table Tennis Association.

July 2022

The presentation of $500 to the Shed from the CBA Bank, Balwyn which will be used to set up the four new laptop computers for member training. Pictured are Ms Sue Stivey – manager of the CBA Bank and Shed president, Tony Hart. July 2022

A library box built by a shed member for the Doncaster East Pre-School in June 2022

Unloading the new pizza oven. August 21

Morning Tea including Cream sponge cake made by Noel (one of our members), August 21

A bright blue street library made by a shed member for a resident of Kew in April 2022


Moments before the hungry horde of shed members assembled for a feast of sausages and hamburgers at the first monthly BBQ in 2021 on 28 January

The manager of the North Balwyn Commonwealth Bank, Mr Michael Jacobs presenting Shed President, Tony Hart, and Board Member, Bernie Smith, with a donation of $500 for the development of the Shed's raised garden.

Peter Dixon made a beautiful sewing box.  July 2021.

Peter Dixon made a beautiful Mah-jong cabinet to hold the mah-jong tiles. Truly a work of art!. June 2021.

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After feeding the multitude of 32 fellow members at the Men’s Shed’s Annual Christmas BBQ, the hard working President Tony, Secretary David and Treasurer Greg enjoy what little food was left over

The first (hopefully of several) wine appreciation classes conducted by our own connoisseur Tony Hart in March 2021



Preparations for reopening the shed on 16 November 2020


Christmas BBQ attended by some 30 regular members on 20th December, 2019

CBA North Balwyn manager, Ms Emma Qi, presents a $500 community grant to the shed to be used for the raised garden currently under construction.

David and John with the street library being made for the City of Boroondara, which will be placed in Glenferrie Rd in 2020.


A room divider created by John Rennie for Boroondara Preschool


Shed members enjoying a delicious BBQ lunch of sausages, hamburgers and salads.


Ms Emma Qi, Acting Manager, CBA Bank, North Balwyn, presented our shed with a $500 community grant. Funds are to be used to buy plants and shrubs for a raised garden bed at the shed.


Servants Community Housing, which provides safe and low-cost housing for people in need in Boroondara, wanted an innovative way to display information at public events. David Hattam, created a unique “Fund Raising Generator”, a model rooming house with small doors containing handouts.


Tony with a prototype postcard display stand made for the Alamein Neighbourhood Learning Centre. 


The dolls house from the Yongala Kindergarten in the process of being repaired by Peter and Bernie.

Our shed management was recently contacted by Emma Lloyde, Co-Educator at Boroondara Preschool. She asked us to construct a gum boot rack suitable for storing eight pairs of gum boots. Activities Co-ordinator, Ron Lear, agreed to take on the task.

Ron delivered the finished article to the school last week and it's now being put to good use by the students after they have been playing in the sand pit and other out door areas.


Fabulous hand crafted goods made by NBCMS members for sale at Camberwell Market


Peter Elliott conducts the introductory training session to 23 shed members.
Similar training sessions have now covered most of the power tools in the shed.


This lovely garden library was designed and built by Bill Mackey at NBMS and now lives in the yard of a shed friend in Belmore Rd. Locals can drop in and pick up books free of charge. Bunnings kindly donated $150.00 in gift vouchers to cover the cost of the Library.


Bill with his beloved patented custom built-garden library

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0447 740 142

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